About the Loxton & Waikerie Council

The District Council of Loxton Waikerie was formed on 3rd May 1997 with the amalgamation of the District Councils of Loxton, Waikerie and Brown's Well.  The Council has an area of 7,957 square kilometres, and a total road length of 2,235 kilometres.

Statement of Future Directions

The Loxton Waikerie Council is committed to improving the quality of life through the maintenance and development of a vibrant and prosperous community by:

  • facilitating a strong regional economy which encourages development opportunities
  • effective, open and accountable governance and leadership
  • maintaining appropriate and sustainable community infrastructure
  • preserving and enhancing the natural environment
  • recognising our heritage and cultural diversity
  • providing a comprehensive range of quality services

Community Goals

  • sustainable economic development
  • visionary community leadership
  • provision and maintenance of infrastructure
  • recognition and protection of the environment
  • provision of cultural and community services
  • delivery of relevant services through responsive corporate management

Population & Demographics Profile

The purpose of this Population, Demographic and Economic Activity Profile is to provide an overview of our community, identifying who we are, where we come from and what are our key demographic characteristics. Furthermore, the profile provides an overview of our local economy and where we work, what we produce and what we generate in terms of income, value and output.

We are very proud of our community and we are committed to enhancing the well being of all residents of our district now and in the future. The challenge we have is to identify and blend the values, needs and aspirations of our community members for the benefit for all. Our focus is on seeking improvement in participation, equity, attitudes and the quality of life of our communities.

This profile provides us with a greater understanding of our community which will assist with our decision making on behalf of the community. We hope that you too will also gain a greater appreciation of our community from this profile.

Population, Demographic & Economic Activity Profile 2017

In addition to the profile we also have some quick stat sheets for our Council district as well as our major towns of Loxton and Waikerie.

DCLW Quick Stats 2016

Loxton Quick Stats 2016

Waikerie Quick Stats 2016

Economic Profile

Loxton Economic Profile

Waikerie Economic Profile

History of the Region

Loxton was originally known as Loxton's Hut on account of a primitive pine and pug hut built on the riverbank by a boundary rider during the 1880's when graziers were pushing into the district.  Initially a farming and grazing area, it is now a thriving irrigation town with a War Service Land Settlement irrigation.

Waikerie was the first of the large irrigated areas into the Riverland.  Originally settled in 1894 as a Village Settlement, along with Holder Settlement just upstream and Ramco Settlement just downstream, when its first settlers arrived by paddle-steamer.

'Waikerie' is said to mean 'many wings', after the giant swift moth "wei kari", the name given by the original indigenous community.  Its an appropriate name, considering the teeming birds of the lagoons and wetlands that edge the river.

In 1960 and 1961 the Waikerie Irrigation Lands Extension Committee working as a non  profit company developed from what was farming land and virgin scrub, irrigation land (to the south and to the northwest of Ramco) now called Golden Heights and Sunlands.