Protect yourself from the risks of mosquito bites

Published 10th March 2023

Protect Yourself from mosquitoes

While you may have noticed fewer mosquitos flying around recently, the risk of Murray Valley Encephalitis (MVE) and Kunjin virus is still present in the Riverland.

Recent detections of the mosquito-borne diseases in our surveillance program across the district have highlighted the need for residents and visitors to protect themselves against mosquito bites. Unlike Japanese Encephalitis, unfortunately there are no vaccine or treatment currently available for MVE, Kunjin Virus and some other mosquito borne diseases such as Ross River Virus.

Mosquito management is being undertaken by local government authorities in collaboration with the Department of Health in areas with a recognised mosquito-borne disease risk. However, it is not realistic to rely on mosquito management programs alone to control the problem.

With no current vaccine or treatment available for MVE and Kunjin virus, the only way to prevent infection is to avoid being bitten!

  • Cover Up – wear long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing
  • Repel – use an insect repellent containing DEET or Picaridin
  • Eliminate – the water they breed in

For more information on Fight the Bite, head to:

Kunjin/West Nile virus infection - including symptoms, treatment and prevention | SA Health