Building Fire Safety Committee

The District Council of Loxton Waikerie, the Berri Barmera Council and the Renmark Paringa Council have established a Building Fire Safety Committee which is responsible for ensuring that the level of fire safety within existing buildings is maintained to a satisfactory level. The committee is named the Riverland Regional Building Fire Safety Committee (RRBFSC).

The RRBFC consists of members of council staff, an engineer, a representative from the Country Fire Service and a representative from the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service. The committee meets regularly to undertake inspections of buildings within the three council areas and, where necessary, will request that the level of fire safety within buildings be upgraded to a satisfactory standard.

The level of upgrades required depends on a variety of factors, including the use, age and size of a building as well as changing legislation.

The RRBFSC targets buildings based on a risk management approach. In general, the committee focuses on the following building types:

  • Aged care and supported residential facilities
  • Hotels/motels and other accommodation buildings
  • Buildings where large numbers of people may congregate
  • Warehouses, factories, shops, offices and other commercial buildings